Free wifi/The Basetrip/Float chambers
I found a great way to increase my consumption of podcasts without adding more time — by playing the episodes at 1.5 times speed. Most podcast players will give you this option. My friends who are serious listeners play theirs at 2X. You quickly get used to the speedy talk (there is no change in voice pitch). Twice the content in the same time! Try it. — KK
Not every airport has free wifi, but they really should. I use this cheat sheet of passwords for wifi leaking from First Class lounges around the world to get access in those airports without free wifi. You need to sit near the lounge to get it, but that’s okay. This also comes as a phone app with global map. — KK
The simplicity of Period Tracker (iOS, Android) makes it an ideal app for logging and tracking my menstrual cycle. I appreciate the minimalist monthly calendar view and ability to add journal entries to each day. — CL
The Basetrip provides essential information you need when traveling internationally. Just enter your country of origin and your destination and the site will tell you the currency exchange rate, mobile phone service options, the crime rate, electrical outlets, drug and prostitution laws, and more. For an extra $5 per trip, you’ll get passport & visa information, travel advisories, and language phrases with audio pronunciation. — MF
When I bought a 3-pack of floats in a sensory deprivation tank my hope was to unlock some sort of creative flow. Instead, after each session I find myself walking out deeply relaxed, with zero tension in my body and a slightly-high feeling. I'm still a fan. — CL
I’m on my second one-pound bag of this flavorful Assam black tea. It’s dark and malty and my wife and I drink at least two cups each per day. At $18, it’s a great deal. — MF
— Kevin Kelly, Mark Frauenfelder, Claudia Lamar