Not enough people know about Jason Kottke’s blog, Kottke. Jason’s official full time job is to surf around the web looking for truly interesting stuff, which he posts along with a paragraph of why he found it remarkable. He creates a handful daily, and has for 18 unbelievable years! No clickbait, no barrage of ads, no soap box. Just old-school blogging about neat things. — KK
Before I left for a three-week road trip, I bought the highly recommended Kenu Airframe+ car mount for my iPhone. Kind of pricey, but it made navigating so much safer and I've definitely grown co-dependent on it. — CL
Most carriers lock your subsidized phone so you can’t use a 3rd party SIM card with it. This is inconvenient if you want to buy a cheap SIM card in a foreign country. AT&T says they will unlock your phone, but only under certain conditions. I’ve tried before and it’s a waste of time. I gave up and used HangUnlock. It cost $2 and took less than a day. — MF
My preconception of the mega-speaker Tony Robbins was shattered by a Netflix documentary on him. For decades I had the image Robbins as an over-the-top motivational speaker, a fast-talking get-rich salesman, a new-age be-yourself booster. But he is more of a fast-talking therapist or shrink. I really enjoyed the streaming doc I Am Not Your Guru and learned some things, although I still feel no need to attend his seminars. — KK
I recently went car camping and tried to be as comfortable as possible. We bought oversize zero gravity chairs and they were definitely worth the extra space they took up. So comfortable you could sleep in one and perfect for reclining and star gazing for hours. The brand we bought is available on Amazon, but cheaper at Costco. — CL
The free NaturalReader smartphone app (iOS and Android) converts text to speech. To use it, open the app, select a document from DropBox, Google Reader, or a website. NaturalReader will upload it and read it in a voice of your choosing. — MF
— Kevin Kelly, Mark Frauenfelder, Claudia Lamar