Our subscriber base has grown so much since we first started seven years ago, that most of you have missed all our earliest recommendations. The best of these are still valid and useful, so we’re trying out something new — Retro Recomendo. Once every 6 weeks, we’ll send out a throwback issue of evergreen recommendations focused on one theme from the past 7 years.
Teflon frying pan alternative
A surprisingly workable alternative to a Teflon frying pan is a ceramic coated pan. We use a GreenPan (it’s actually white ceramic inside) that unsticks as well as old Teflon. The cheap Teflon pans we use only last about 4 years. Our GreenPan is 5 years old and shows no wear. The 10 inch GreenPan is $25. — KK
Small deep fryer
I don’t deep fry food every day, but when I’m in the mood for some sweet potatoes fried in coconut or avocado oil, I am glad I have this $35 Fry Daddy deep fryer. It’s small so it doesn’t need a lot of oil and it heats up quickly. I keep the oil in the fryer and put the lid on once it has cooled down and use the same oil the next time I use it. — MF
Soft butter anytime
Hands-down my favorite purchase this year was this $15 butter crock. It feels like a luxury to always have soft butter available. It works better in cooler climates. I keep mine on the kitchen island away from the stove area and add an ice cube to the water every few days. — CD
Large apple slicer
We eat apples often enough that an apple slicer wins a spot in our kitchen. A good one will core and carve an apple into 8 to 12 slices in one swift motion. There are lots of brands, like OXO’s, that are good enough, but they can’t deal with the largest apples. The apple piecer you want is a Newness stainless steel one with a 4-inch diameter that is heavy duty enough to slice all apples (and pears and onions) forever. — KK
Ground beef chopper
This OXO Good Grips Ground Meat Chopper ($12) quickly breaks up hamburger meat when making tacos or pasta sauce. Just chop away with the three fins until the ground beef is the way you like it. — MF
How to load a dishwasher properly
Finally, a definitive “How-to” on how to load the dishwasher. Consumer Reports shared an interactive graphic and a video on the best method for most machines. I was surprised to find that dishes and pots with baked on food can be placed faced down toward the spray arm. I was always told to not block it. — CD
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There is a critical tip in the dishwasher article that I think most people have figured out by now but worth calling attention to. Unloading the bottom rack first so that the water from the top doesn’t spill downwards onto everything. And my pet peeve is drying the plastics/tupperware which you have to do with a cloth or else it seems like it will never dry.
The only suggestion I would have when doing reposts is checking the links beforehand to see if the items are available. For instance, the apple slicer isn’t. Thanks!