No more missing chargers and cables
If you have a phone charger and cable set up in a common area of your house and it hasn't vanished, then you probably live alone. The Lock Socket is a simple plastic device that attaches to a power outlet cover, making it impossible for the charger and cable to mysteriously disappear. Your family may be upset, but that's the consequence. — MF
Chinese sci-fi
The famous Chinese science fiction trilogy, The Three Body Problem, is now available as a Chinese movie production, consisting of 30 parts online (free YouTube), with English subtitles. Like the books, one of its attractions is that it does not feel American/Hollywood-made. — KK
Sounds of Space
Sounds of Space is a really cool collection of astronomical objects sonified, like two black holes merging or Venus’s radio waves. I love this way of experiencing the universe. My favorite is the sound of Solar Wind at Mercury. Also here’s a recent sonification not yet added to the collection. It was created by converting rippling waves of gas from inside a star core into sound waves, so that we can now hear a Star Twinkling. — CD
Home DIY videos
How To Home is a YouTube channel with excellent videos that demonstrate how to complete common household repairs, such as wiring switches, fixing faucet leaks, and threading wire through walls and ceilings. Unlike many DIY videos, these feature high-quality audio, are well-lit, and aren’t blurry. — MF
Squirrel-proof bird feed
The only reliable way to deter squirrels from bird feeders is to use hot peppered bird seed. Squirrels (and other rodents) hate the taste of capsaicin, but birds are immune and happily chow it down. Train your neighborhood squirrels by starting out with 100% of hot peppered seed like Wild Delight Sizzle N Heat Bird Food and then gradually dilute this expensive seed with regular stuff. I have not tried this, but you can make your own by mixing a cayenne oil like Flaming Squirrel Sauce with your usual seed. — KK
How to know what you really want
In this 5-minute video by Big Think, Author Luke Burgis breaks down the difference between “thick” and “thin” desires and introduces the concept of mimetic desires. Mimetic desires are imitative and influenced by our external life, like our parents, friends and community. They are considered thin because they are ephemeral and not worth feeding. Thick desires are the ones that are aligned with our core and universal human truths, like growth and beauty and kindness. Burgis suggests it’s worth mining your life and reflecting on moments when you felt deeply fulfilled in order to identify patterns that point to what you really want. Lately, whenever I feel pulled toward a particular direction, I ask myself if this is a thin or thick desire and then decide if it’s worth my time and effort. — CD
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