That Boing Boing title is very misleading. It isn’t going ad-free — you are offering a (paid) ad-free option. Very disappointing and much less interesting than the title would suggest.

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Thanks for bringing this up - it's a great chance to clear things up! The new ad-free Boing Boing that launched in late October 2024 is indeed our main home. While we continue to maintain the ad-supported version for readers who prefer that option (we're not leaving anyone behind!), the subscription-based, ad-free experience represents Boing Boing's primary presence.

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Given the quality of Google searches going down over the past decade, like two years ago I found Kagi. The search results are too good. You do have to pay to use it but, man, I can't go back. Not sponsored or anything, just my anecdotal take.

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I have two pairs of Hokas. The first ones I found on the curb in Berkeley.Perfect fit impeccable condition. The second pair I bought on eBay. I took the Hoka test on their website. They were $32, with a minimum of damage.

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