Your First Five Tools/Amphibian love songs/Tiny charger
Your first 5 tools
Van Neistat is a veteran maker, handyman, fixer-up, repair guru, and do it yourselfer. He made a short video, Your First Five Tools, with his recommendations for the basic minimal tools you need to make and fix stuff. Wise picks and great presentation. — KK
Amphibian love songs
A few years ago I took an unforgettable night time tour in a Costa Rican jungle to listen to frog calls, and discovered that humans aren’t the only musicians on Earth. This playlist titled Amphibian Love Songs and Soundscapes took me back to that magical evening. (I learned about this from Jay Babcock’s Landline newsletter) — MF
Tiny 3-in-1 charger
The inCharge All-in-One charging cable is so small it fits in my wallet (along with a band-aid and one Advil tablet). It has USB-C on one end for plugging into a laptop or battery, and a convertible Lightning/MicroUSB connector on the other side for phones and devices. Magnets in the cable let you snap it on a keyring. — MF
Anti-selfie stream
A silly, fun, and weirdly mesmerizing Twitter follow. People Selling Mirrors collects the images that people post while selling their old mirror. The photos inevitably include them, so these snapshots become unintended selfies. They are amusing because they are the opposite of posed portraits — they are the anti-selfie. — KK
Visual guide to Aztec gods
As a Latina who grew up in California, anything I learned about my indigenous culture was by word of mouth or books I had to check out on my own. I've learned more scrolling through this visual essay of the Aztec Pantheon than I ever did in school. It's a beautiful and colorful collection of 137 gods and their iconography. — CD
Journey through your search history
I just discovered the more helpful way to dig through my search history — Chrome Journeys. If you use Chrome (desktop only), and go to chrome://history/journeys, you'll see your past search results have been grouped up by a topic you searched or a parent site that led you on a path to other sites. There's even recommended related keywords that will help you continue on your search. Learn more about it here. — CD
— Kevin Kelly, Mark Frauenfelder, Claudia Dawson
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