While I‘ll never knock a competitor, I am confident you won’t get the same 20 years from your Swiss Gear bag that you got from your Briggs & Riley bag. Many also don’t consider the frustration if their bargain bag loses a wheel mid-trip or a zipper pops during baggage handling. Ours don’t and won’t.
Briggs bags are more expensive for sure, but you definitely get a great bag- and Guaranteed for Life. “You get what you paid for” is very much true with the fabric, zippers, components and workmanship. Our CX expandable bags likely even save you money and hassle by compressing an expanded bag to still be able to carry it on thereby avoiding check fees.
Thank you very much for your comment, Richard. I’m going to take my Briggs & Riley bag in for servicing. I’ll describe my experience in an upcoming issue of Recomendo. - Mark
That anonymous quite is quite the BS under the right circumstances. Water temp can indeed get hotter if you wait for the sun's influence to take effect, of if a warm water current is big and close enough to influence the body of water you are entering. It depends on time of day and geographical location, but it is very much possible to enter into a warmer body of water by *gasp* waiting.
"the zippers were all broken" - doesn't Briggs & Riley have a lifetime guarantee?
They do
Thanks for your newsletter that I read each week.
While I‘ll never knock a competitor, I am confident you won’t get the same 20 years from your Swiss Gear bag that you got from your Briggs & Riley bag. Many also don’t consider the frustration if their bargain bag loses a wheel mid-trip or a zipper pops during baggage handling. Ours don’t and won’t.
Briggs bags are more expensive for sure, but you definitely get a great bag- and Guaranteed for Life. “You get what you paid for” is very much true with the fabric, zippers, components and workmanship. Our CX expandable bags likely even save you money and hassle by compressing an expanded bag to still be able to carry it on thereby avoiding check fees.
Happy travels,
Richard Krulik
Briggs & Riley.
Thank you very much for your comment, Richard. I’m going to take my Briggs & Riley bag in for servicing. I’ll describe my experience in an upcoming issue of Recomendo. - Mark
Briggs and Riley has a lifetime warranty. Why would you get rid of it?
Where is the One Question?
Love the 1 question concept, looking forward to it!
Thank you for the swissgear, eero6 and staying calm list recommendations!
That anonymous quite is quite the BS under the right circumstances. Water temp can indeed get hotter if you wait for the sun's influence to take effect, of if a warm water current is big and close enough to influence the body of water you are entering. It depends on time of day and geographical location, but it is very much possible to enter into a warmer body of water by *gasp* waiting.