
Thanks for the great suggestion of Blackberry and Flash of Genius. I'll watch them!

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For product docu-dramas I’d highly recommend the recently released “Blackberry”. Very entertaining. A more dated but also enjoyable one about the intermittent windshield wiper is called “Flash of Genius”.

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I'm a fan of the knee pillow, although I don't always remember to use it. I got one initially as a prop to try to stop me rolling onto my back and snoring, although it turned out that CPAP was the better way to stop snoring. The knee pillow makes it easier to get my legs aligned and comfortable, at least when I'm not ending the day so tired that I forget it.

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Love the subgenre of Product Docudrama. Another commenter mentioned Blackberry, but am now wondering if there any that track a product that failed.

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Part of the allure of “Blackberry” is that it includes the rise and the fall. Not a docu-drama but “Atari: Game Over” was an ok documentary about a video game fail. https://youtu.be/03oC6-zPZHQ

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Listen to Wikipedia link goes to "The page isn’t redirecting properly"

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I'd love to hear about your favorite Wikipedia articles of all time. I do enjoy a good wikipedia rabbit hole...

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